This is a question that sellers ask often, and it’s a great question as your home is likely your largest investment, so getting the most money for it is usually high on the list of a seller’s wish list.

I am going to share several factors that play a role in getting top dollar for your house:

  1. Make a Great First Impression. If your home has great curb appeal – meaning people like it as soon as they pull up to it – and is just as clean on the inside, a prospective buyer will know you value your house and are not looking to accept anything less than it is worth, and perhaps you will want to hold out for top dollar.If your house is vacant, then staging the house is a great way to present the home to prospective buyers as it will give is a lived-in feel that they will be able to emotionally connect with.
  2. Take Care of Repair and Maintenance Issues Up Front.  Some sellers like to have a home inspection prior to putting their home on the market, so they are not surprised by any findings from the buyer’s home inspector. If you can show prospective buyers that an inspection was done and that any items were addressed, this will show them your commitment to providing a quality house worthy of a price on the higher end of the market.
  3. Get a Professional Pricing Opinion. This is where working with a professional real estate agent is a big asset. It’s easy to look at homes that sold for a certain price, however, you may not know the condition of those homes, or how they truly compare to yours.The worst thing you can do is be the highest priced house with a house that is not in the best shape compared to other similar houses on the market. You will end up helping those sellers get top dollar for their homes instead.Market shifts can also happen quickly, so working with an agent who is knowledgeable in your area will allow you to get the best advice on pricing throughout the sales process.
  4. Comprehensive Marketing: Your agent should have a comprehensive marketing plan that goes far beyond an MLS listing, a sign, and a few open houses. For my seller clients, I have a Proven 23 Point Marketing Plan that includes 8 Pre Listing Marketing Tactics to get buyers to line up for the listing, followed by 15 Marketing Tactics to deploy after the listing is live. Using this strategy I have helped clients get record sales prices in record time.
  5. Don’t be in a Hurry. Sometimes you can’t control the timing of when you need to move. In order to hold out for top dollar, you need to have time on your side, so you are in a position to say no to any lowball offers.
  6. Make the House Accessible for Showings. If you make it hard to schedule showings, your house will likely fall off the list of agents who are preparing home tours for their buyers. If you have concerns about who is coming through your house, make sure to discuss them with your agent, as we often have workarounds.
  7. Hire an Expert Negotiator. Another quality your agent should have is experience with negotiations. This means, that hiring a newer agent may not serve your best financial interest even if they are a friend or family member.

At the end of the day, having a trusted and experienced real estate professional to walk you through the sale of your most valuable asset will more than pay for itself. There a lots of little details that need attention and if one of them slips it could impact the next. That’s also why I have a team in place to help my clients walk through the process from A to Z.

If you have questions, please reach out. All of my contact information is at the bottom of the page.

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