If you are a remote worker – or aspire to become one – you now have another great reason to move to Gilbert, Arizona! Gilbert was recently ranked #9 among the top cities in the US for remote workers according to a Yahoo / Smart Asset article. A few statistics from the article state:

  • From 2016 to 2021, the percentage of remote workers increased by 21.7%, the 25th-most of all 100 cities.
  • In 2021, almost one in three workers in Gilbert, Arizona worked from home – the 19th-highest rate in our study.
  • Homes in Gilbert are typically larger relative to other cities.
  • More than 92% of homes and apartments have two or more bedrooms.

If you are considering a move to Gilbert, feel free to reach out to me as it would be my honor to help you find your dream home in Gilbert!

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